Saturday, August 11, 2012

Here we go again. This is the beginning of year two as a 1st grade teacher. I thought this was going to be a piece of cake since I had the first year under my belt and then my district went and changed the whole reading program 2 weeks before school starts. I am going to make the best of this. 

I also decided now will be the best time to change my entire decor of the classroom.  I have been busy trying to get the room ready for all of my little firsties.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Getting Ready

The closer it gets to the beginning of the year, the more I begin to wonder what I have gotten myself into. I taught eighth grade ELA for the past 14 years. I have spent my entire summer planning and preparing for this new career. All I can say is "Please, tell me I'm ready!"

I am excited to start on this new career path but at the same time, I am a little afraid. I hope they like me, I hope I can do a good job, I hope I am prepared! One good thing is I am bigger than they are.

I do feel very fortunate do be in a profession where everyone is so willing to share their expertise. Thanks to everyone who has given me great ideas. Here's to a great new year!